My friend says when we are dealing in matters of eternity, we have all the time in the world. I am grieving. This week, next, forever. One of the men who raised me became an ancestor Monday. I won’t be writing the rest of the month.

Here is the moment I arrived home, hours after, being nourished by the ab goosht beef stew he requested on the Persian new year. He passed on the spring equinox. He never came down to enjoy it.

I encouraged my Ameh to eat.

2 Responses

  1. So, so sorry for your loss, Nawal. I’m glad you’re able to be with your family during this time.

  2. Dear Nawal,

    First and foremost, my condolences to you for your loss. I know that the pain is gripping in ways that are often hard to frame. In the event that you return to your blog at a later time, I hope to leave you with a thought that touched me about your post – your connection to a meal.

    I believe that what we eat, especially that reminds us of those whom we care for most, has a special and transcendent way of invoking their presence, their calm and our affection for them. I love that you included this picture as you related the two, and it is my prayer that with every composition of this meal, it will summon your fondest memories and nourish your soul.

    Prayers for you and your family.

    With Warmest Regards,

    ~Dr. Carla Michelle