I look to my camera for inspiration. My friend and colleague, Cornelius Minor, says if it was important enough to whip out a device to capture, it likely meant something to you. He’s right: there is no shortage of writing ideas once I start scrolling.

But our baby bookends are at the top of my heart right now.

The way their fingers reach for each other. The way Eliana carries Eloisa like a little mama. Their super straight hair, not mine, but their father’s, and so light. That little top knot. Their sweaters side by side. Those ruffled sleeves; the folded knees. After a school day apart, it’s a string of questions and cuddles. Did you make food with Mommy? Did you paint with Ezzy? Did you take a walk?

It’s let’s read together and oh you want to wash your hands? Now your sleeves are wet; should we switch your shirt? It’s all softness and lush words, full and drawn out.

If I think too much about what the future holds for them, I lose myself to spirals. So for now, I’m back to just this. A photo found on my camera. This sunshine slanting through our windows. This Friday, these baby bookends. The girls bathed in light.

Slice of Life, Day 19


7 Responses

  1. Beautiful in so many ways. Their relationship will shift and evolve, but it will remain. I love watching mine grow – even when they now do some things that are NOT my first choice. They are at least doing them together. My sister is seven years older than me and we have always been close. Save this slice – they will want it some day.

  2. Ah, the straight hair. Nope, they do NOT have your curls. I love the folded knees and the sun streaming in, and yes, there is something about the oldest and youngest. Beautiful moment caught.

  3. So lovely to read this, your bookends bathed not only in light, but in their love. What a great idea to check your camera for ideas. (I’m avoided writing all day, but reading for inspiration, another great way to find ideas… your posts are spectacular seeds!)

  4. First of all–I just started reading Minor’s book! He sounds amazing. Back to the post…"Baby bookends" is such an apt phrase with four children. (My two are my salt/pepper, vanilla/chocolate.) "It’s all softness and lush words"–my favorite line. Sibling love is precious.

  5. I’m thankful I circled back to this stunning piece of writing about your precious book-ended girls. The way you described the folded knees and their fingers reaching for one another conjured up images so perfectly captured by your photo. As I often do, I’ll roll around Cornelius’s thoughts in my head for days and weeks to come. Such a powerful truth—If it was important enough to whip out a device to capture, it likely meant something to you.

  6. I opened this because I was hoping you’d written in Farsi again, but this slice is so delightful that I wasn’t even disappointed! You captured these precious details in such a beautiful way! Siblings are just a miracle! And I love Cornelius’ advice about photos being important moments worth capturing!